Saul Pressner, DmD

Biomimetic Dentistry

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57 E 72nd St
New York, NY 10021
(212) 249-8999

I have been in practice since 1981 and am highly trained in all phases of dentistry. I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and have my certificate in Family Dentistry from the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. I am a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and take many continuing education courses.

I am very empathetic and skilled in treating patients who are either very anxious, fearful and/ or nervous about receiving dental care. Our staff includes several dental hygienists, one of whom has a masters in psychology. Our receptionists and dental assistants are very concerned with helping patients who are fearful of dental treatment.

I am an Alleman-Deliperi Institute certified Biomimetric Dentistry instructor. Recently I gave two lectures on Biomimetric Dentistry; one at Penn Dental Medicine, my alma mater, and the other at Columbia University School of Dentistry. Additionally, I have written several articles for the Keystone Explorer.

Our office offers music and relaxation techniques to make patients feel more comfortable. The first appointment is usually a ‘getting to know you’ visit. We try to find out about your fears and your past dental experience and suggest methods to help you overcome them. We work at a pace that is comfortable for you.


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